Sunday, August 30, 2009

Outsiders Perspective, Diversity and Homelessness

Outside Perspective

An outsider’s perspective of West Hollywood depends heavily on the individual’s acceptance of non-traditional life styles.

West Hollywood is comprised of 39% lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) individuals. This makes it a difficult community to reside in if an outsider is homophobic. However, those who have been exposed to this particular life style, directly or indirectly, are able to overlook the “differences” between “insider’s” and “outsider’s” views.

Some outsiders enjoy the atmosphere that West Hollywood has to offer mainly because of its unique sub-culture. Its friendly environment enables individuals outside this community to feel welcome and opens up the possibility of making it an easy transition if the desire to move into the community arises.

· However, those who may enjoy visiting West Hollywood because of its glamor, popularity, distinctive shopping, and exquisite dining, may not necessarily look at it as a place they would like to reside in due to its highly congestive traffic throughout the day. This problem worsens during holiday season when parades and other events such as the West Hollywood Halloween Carnival and political rallies are taking place.

· Many of these festivities create problems for law enforcement because of the excessive drinking establishments, and the lack of secured parking which then turns vehicles into easy break-in targets.

· Individuals who reside outside of West Hollywood city limits may be viewed as outsiders or the “other.”

· In the past year current legislation has affected the West Hollywood LGBT community by passing Proposition 8, which banned same sex marriages. No longer will domestic partners be given the same opportunity to marry as heterosexual couples.

· Although many social differences have affected the LGBT population, the city of West Hollywood continues to be a friendly and welcoming community.

Evidence of Diversity

There is a clear evidence of diversity in West Hollywood. The GLBT community prospers in this area and is welcomed and supported my many streaming from surrounding neighbors to the Sheriffs of the city. Diversity is welcomed in this community and is very refreshing. At the Youth Center, there are many services rendered to the youth who are as diverse as they come. While walking around the city, rainbow flags are commonly seen displayed in the streets openly. Also, while looking inside shop windows, you can see “Repeal Prop 8” signs posted inside shops.

Not only is the city sensitive to those of various sexual orientations, but the city also helps with those from different cultures. For example, the city of West Hollywood and Russian Advisory Board came together to help entertain the Russian community with cultural events for them to enjoy along with performing arts events throughout the year. It was intriguing to see the rules and regulations signs Plummer Park are translated into not only English and Spanish, but also in Russian. This shows us which populations predominantly live in this area. It seems like this city is focused on providing services and care to everyone that resides there and accepts diversity with loving arms. I myself felt very comfortable among the diverse crowds and individuals I saw in West Hollywood, and would not hesitate to return soon.

Cedars Sinai displays a huge Star of David on the top of the hospital; the community displays sensitivity to all people from diverse backgrounds.

The community holds strong to their value of diversity. There is a free spirited attitude towards human sexuality. The community seems open to all people who want to express themselves freely for who they are and want they strive for in their community. In the parks I observed many bi-racial couples and gay individuals. The modern art museums openly display erotic art, storefronts advertisement sexy clothes and sex toys on storefront windows.

These links are very helpful : (provides info on Services City of W. Hollywood has to offer) (People assisting the homeless)

Jeff Griffith Youth Center (323) 461-8163

7051 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90038; e-mail


The City of West Hollywood does not appear to be effected by homelessness very much; their almost pristine streets are pedestrian friendly without the impediment of homelessness.

· Depending on the time of year, they might have anywhere from 75-100 homeless.

· When homeless people disturb business owners, patrons or become destructive of city property, authorities are notified and the homeless are removed and taken of out of the city’s limits. Calls made to the Sheriff’s Department by business owners have had to do with panhandling, urinating in public, and harassing customers.

· At times when the homeless become a disturbance, instead of detaining them in jail, the Sheriff will place a call to PATH, (People Assisting the Homeless). This is an agency that provides them with a bed for the night, clothing, showers, and a nutritious meal.

· The Greater West Hollywood Food Coalition also helps feed the homeless; this program is located at 1040 N. La Brea, Los Angeles, CA 90038, the boarder of the city limits.

· The few homeless that live in West Hollywood primarily repose in West Hollywood Park during the day. At nighttime they tend to migrate east to Plummer Park, another park in the city of West Hollywood. (picture if available)

· For the most part according to the Sheriff Department, the homeless feel comfortable and a lot safer in West Hollywood due to the fact that they are not harassed by other homeless.

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